1. Food Availability: Food Security and Livelihood Improvement via On-Farm Activities
Agribusiness Value Chain
Community Forestry
Horticulture; Home Gardens
Systems of Rice Intensification
Integrated Farming Systems
Rice Seed Producer Groups
Community Protected Area
Fish Refuge Management
Animal Health
Aquaculture and Fisheries
2. Food Accessibility: Food Security and Livelihood Improvement via Off-Farm Activities
Establishment of Self Help Groups and Village Associations
Improving access to markets for small business
Non-timber forest products processing and handicrafts
Grant support for Self Help Groups
3. Food Utilization: Education on Personal Hygiene, Nutrition and Food Safety
Water, sanitation, and hygiene
Basic hygiene and sanitation awareness
Nutrition: food nutrition, cooking demonstrations, explanation of the importance and functions of vitamins and minerals
4. Food Stability
Rice banks/seed banks
Social protection
Cash For Work and Food For Work
Improving local governance
5. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
Agricultural activities: using short term rice seeds, drought and flood-resistant rice seeds, Systems of Rice Intensification, Integrated Farming Systems, increasing the number of rice harvests per year
Improving irrigation systems: dams, canals, ponds
Strengthening Natural Resource Management
Increasing savings, and strengthening the loan schemes of Self Helf Groups
Diversify livelihood options
Raising awareness on the impacts of climate change and on the adaptation strategies
Integration of Climate Change Adaptation strategies into commune investment plans.
6. Gender Promotion
Promote the participation of women in the leadership of Self Helf Groups and Village Associations
Promote the participation of women in local governance
Promote the participation of women in on- and off farm activities
7. Cross Cutting Issue
HIV/AIDS, Gender, and Disaster Risk Reduction
8. Disaster Risk Reduction
Emergency response and rehabilitation
Emergency preparedness and mitigation