Food Income and Market Project
Project Objective:
To reduce extreme poverty by supporting and improving income generation activities. These activities improve the livelihoods of the extremely poor in a sustainable manner.
Activities related to the Food Incomes and Market project:
- Establishing or strengthening of the Self Help Groups
- Establishing or strengthening of the Village Associations
- Building the capacity of the Self Help Groups and Village Associations in terms of institutional building
- Strengthening, saving and revolving funds of the Self Help Groups
- Establishing or strengthening Business Groups
- Strengthening local governance
- Establishing or strengthening of rice banks
- Improving access to the market
- Rehabilitation of the infrastructure via Cash for Work
- Provide agricultural techniques training with help from the Farmer Field School
- Establishing or strengthening rice seed producer groups
- Emergency response and rehabilitation
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- HIV/AID & Gender Equality
- Natural Resources Management
- Capacity building to commune councils
- Food Processing
- Nutritional Education
- Child Protection
- Social Protection